If you need help from OET

(for example if you are having problems logging in) telephone support is available all day, Monday to Sunday:

  • AUS +61 3 8658 3963
  • UK +44 1202 037333
  • USA +1 855 585 0125

The postal address is : The OET Centre, PO Box 16136, Collins St West VIC 8007, Australia

Applications for the OET test must be made via the official OET website. You will be able to choose the test venue most convenient to your location when you register. This may be where you live or any other location of your choosing.

The test is available on the dates shown in the table at most centres on the same day, but please check your local centre dates to be sure. Click the link below to check the latest booking dates - be careful you need to book around 3-4 weeks before the test date!

Application Process

Read the Terms & Conditions and OET Test Regulations on the OET website before you start. You will need a credit card (or other means of electronic payment), an identification document (normally your passport) and a digital passport photo (this means a photo that conforms to the requirements of applying for a passport). The test currently costs AU$587 (about GB£350).

From the application web page choose your country and follow the steps through. Your application will be acknowledged by the OET office and you will be sent venue details by them, with instructions for what to do on the day.


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