For NHS Trusts and Private Healthcare Providers
If you are a manager working in the NHS or private healthcare sector employing nurses whose first language is not English, we can help getting them through the OET exam to get them their PIN. Our intensive OET healthcare preparation courses, delivered by our expert teachers, will get your nurses there in the fastest possible time. With real test scenario practice, essential test technique guidance, tips and one to one feedback, preparation is thorough, practical and unique to each nurse.
We have developed two 'OET pathways' - one for staff already in the UK (national pathway) and the other for staff based abroad that you may be thinking of hiring (international pathway). Two different scenarios but with a common goal.
Do you need some help?
Let's be honest - getting your recruits through OET can be a minefield. If you would like to have an open, honest and frank discussion about your recruitment plans we would be very happy to meet you in person, on Teams, Zoom or Skype. At Worcester Medical we have been 'doing OET' since 2017 (and prior to that IELTS) when it first became approved by the NMC and GMC in the UK and we are happy to share our knowledge and experience with you free of charge. Just give us a call on 01905-619877 or email